Monday, April 3, 2017

Improvements at NNJC Camp Properties

Improvements at NNJC Camp Properties

At a recent meeting of the Three Rivers District Committee, District Director Steve Leonardi passed on the following information:
  • No-Be: There will be a new Trading Post financed by funds raised by the Sand Pond Society. They are in the process of getting building permits. The building will also serve as a training facility and will have flush toilets. The target is to have it operational in time for summer camp. The location will be between the dining hall and the current Trading Post.
  • Yaw-Paw: Steve called this announcement "electrifying." He said that the camp had suffered in the past various "challenges" with its electrical lines, which have now all been "yanked out" and replaced with new electrical lines. Also a large number of possibly dangerous dead trees have been cut down.
  • Turrell: The first run of a zip line may be in place in time for summer camp. Steve said that it had been under design for several years, and they are in the process of getting some special kind of telephone poles. Steve said that the line will start in the vicinity of the dam, run down the gorge, and end up somewhere around the climbing area.
  • Turrell: Steve said that the Order of the Arrow lodge had received a service grant from the National Council and used that money plus a matching grant from the Friends of Turrell to rebuild the Chapel. Benches will be installed shortly and will be "sold" to benefactors for $400 each.

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